90 Prosperous Minutes

Bruce S. Noll, CPC
3 min readJun 6, 2019


Photo by Jiyeon Park on Unsplash

This is a short story about business relationships, intention, visualization, vibration, and manifestation.

It was almost 9:30 AM on a Wednesday morning and I was walking into my financial advisors' office. It had been a little over a year since the last time I had been in his office. On that occasion, I was there to do the paperwork to offer my ex-wife half of what I had worked for for the last 13 years. Granted, it wasn’t much then, but my visit today was to hear his point of view as to what to do next with the half that remained.

I’ve come to know how funny life can be and that even difficult circumstances can prove prosperous. This story isn’t about divorce or equitable distribution of assets, or even high finance. There is certainly nothing high about my finances. In fact, I was there to withdraw money from my account because I had an idea and needed some funds to pursue it.

This article is about believing in one's self, being willing to take a risk, surrounding one’s self with people who, like you, want you to succeed on your terms and are willing to help you get there! There are more of them than you might think and I believe they show up in your life when you open the windows and doors of your heart and mind.

The day before I had my financial advisor appointment I had an initial session with a new coach who is now a part of my team and is charged with helping me succeed with my new idea by using his area of expertise and the same is true of my financial advisor. Both men are incredibly good at what they do and I chose them not necessarily because of their expertise, but more importantly because they both are perceptive listeners and I know without a shadow of a doubt that they have my best interest and expansion at heart. Though I’ve only just begun working with these men, I began to develop a synergistic relationship with them sometime back under entirely different circumstances and for entirely different reasons.

In the 60 to 90 minutes I spent with each man, I could already feel the return I would receive some time in the future. Why? because what we shared was more than their expertise, it was synchronistic moments of alignment. I had set an intention with each man that I would receive from them all I needed for that day and in future days their gifts would blossom in me.

Photo by Braden Jarvis on Unsplash

The results may only be on the horizon, but I know they are coming. The challenges of working toward those results can be tiring and exhilarating at the same time. Each man, in his own way and his own time, gifted me with a confirmation of the vision for my future that was synonymous with a piece of my dream. This gift too started many years ago and continues today. I didn’t know way back then when those relationships began that the intentions I set, the visualizations I had rehearsed, and the affirmations I had spoken would lead to them, but I knew yesterday and today when I was in their presence that the magic had begun to happen and they were a huge part of it. I knew it because I began to feel like I had felt only one other time in my lifetime, some 50 years ago. I was joyful, exuberant, and confident I would be, do, and have what I loved.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11: 1) and it is the connecting power into the spiritual realm

Visualization is faith with intention

Action is the power and energy of transformation and vibration

Relationships are the connection and confirmation with Spirit

Enjoy the journey of life! I’ll stay in touch



Bruce S. Noll, CPC
Bruce S. Noll, CPC

Written by Bruce S. Noll, CPC

I write narratives and poetry that nurture abundant life and I facilitate change that leads to optimal living. I'm here to help! Bruce@ClarityCoaching.network

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