Connection, love, compassion
Across the miles, I do what I can do
When you give from your heart, it’s not just another moment
I heard your pain when you told me the news
Then I remembered your childlike smile
I feel it when you tell me your heart is broken open
And I remember light peaking from your soul’s window
I know you think what you’re feeling will last a lifetime
And I remember how short a lifetime can be.
I cannot share your space, the place where you are sitting, hurting
I can share the memory of connection from a time long ago.
I cannot see your tears though knowing they stream down your face
But I can hold you dear in a space where only spirit remains.
This time is not your best time, but it is a time for you
You may crumble and I will hold you up
You may feel lost and I will find you again.
You may be alone but only in your mind
You may hear only silence, yet I whisper softly
For though you cannot see me…I am with you!