As a believer in positive psychology this makes sense to me. What also makes sense it that life isn't perfect, so why shouldn't I use every possible technique to aid in living my best life. Where did I experience this first? When a former boss said to me, "your a pessimist aren't you?"
I never thought of myself as one yet, there apparently was one person in my world who did think of me that way. So I asked myself...are there more? Am I really a pessimist? No big deal right?
Well that day I began to examine my thoughts and actions. I never discovered whether others thought of me. What I did discover was that I could make one small shift in my mindset. That small shift changed the trajectory of my entire life and that trajectory continues today.
I now ask myself..."How much better can it get?" I don't know the answer but each day it does get better because my perspective has changed and I now get to see the smallest of circumstances, regardless of what they are, as improvements. Pie in the sky? Maybe, but it's just a little thing right?
In my view, hardly!
Thank you Sinem for a great article and a reminder to all of us that we have a choice and we, in some small way, contribute to the outcome.