Member-only story
Beating Diabetes…
If I can, you can too!
Please read this disclaimer: I am not a doctor, nutritionist or any other kind of health professional. I do not represent any product that is described herein, nor do I contend to be a medical professional with any level of expertise connected to this article. The information contained here is my own personal experience and should not be considered as a remedy in any way. If you have medical concerns see a health professional on your own terms.
In October 2017 I retired from full-time work after 48 years of mostly laborious type middle management positions. In my youth, I was active in athletics and for the most part, maintained what I considered to be a healthy lifestyle.
I was fortunate enough to receive annual physicals during most of my career and paid attention to them only if there was some known imminent danger. Basically, I remained ignorant of reality, all the while believing I was in good health.
A few months before I retired I participated in my last wellness exam. The information I received was not new, except for one item…I had been classified as PRE-DIABETIC. That went right over my head. It was just another bundle of words for me. I remained ignorant of what that really meant. I saw all of the numbers on the report but they never registered as a life-threatening danger or even a precursor to one.