Frightened of This Thing That I’ve Become
From the lyrics of the song “Africa” by Toto to the poetry of Giovanni Sonier, there is inspiration for Life…and Love
If I would only open my eyes I would see what is deep inside
Oh yes, the portals of my innards revisited, dare I speak it?
Isn’t there peace and joy and enthusiasm as natural as the “blue orb?”
And when I feel it, isn’t it like the rain on the Serengeti
Oh yes, it moves my every quivering moment of elation
The music and the prose, rife with beauty, poise, and possibility
Uh huh, Toto says “I bless the rains down in Africa and Sonier says
“ The dreary sky fragmented as if by magic” plays its musical notes
Oh yes, I need no rhyme or reason because what is heard is so much more!
“It’s gonna take a lot to drag me away from you!!! Oh Yes, it is!