Hello Evon!
I came to this article because of Asim Nori. this piece appeared in an article written and it is my practice to check the the work of authors who support the work of other medium writers.
AND, I wanted, more importantly, to answer your question about "Beautiful Men."
I fully support your view, while honoring the perspective of your husband.
I know many beautiful men and I look deeper into the definitions that you provided. For me, there is a wholistic approach to and an incredible value to the label beautiful as it refers to men.
I have been with, seen, and communicated with men, including myself who would have been deemed ugly while having the external features of a traditionally masculine man. Ugly, because of negative qualities some might portray as emotionally unattractive.
To make a long story short, I have watched these very same ugly men beautify themselves by doing the internal work that dissolved their ugliness, healed them of the internal torture that was underneath the behavioral malfeasance and proved to be the balm that co-created the beautiful men they truly are and were meant to be all along.
And I have always lived by the axiom the :beauty was in the eye of the beholder."
Bless you for your work and please continue to express the beauty within yourself!