Wonderful article for many reasons:
1) You would make a great attorney - one who has the capacity for arguing both sides of an argument. I say that because you have demonstrated here that you understand the soul-level of being, and at the same time you striving for a better future by being or doing something different. (in your title)
2) I certainly agree that we should always be our truest selves and I know that striving can be an addiction too. You eloquently, simply encourage people to be themselves and if they do, they are okay just as they are. Yes!
The western culture I have grown up in would say it isn't satisfactory to take more breaks and go on adventures if we haven't first taken care of our responsibilities.
I have to admit I have struggled to balance the "I am good enough's" with the "I have enough's" of life and yet I continue practicing the what is "real" part of life in order to nourish my soul.
I applaud your writing as it makes me think about what I think and therefore what I am.